
Quake collectibles
Quake collectibles


If your home is damaged in an earthquake, these tools can help you navigate out or find a safe place.

  • Each family member’s medical information and history, as well as their insurance policies.
  • Extra lancets and test strips, as well as a sharps container, if anyone in your household has diabetes.

  • Burn cream or gel (antiseptic plus aloe vera gel).
  • Here are the supplies you should stock in your first aid kit at home: That’s why it’s so important to keep a complete first aid kit as part of your overall earthquake preparedness kit. If a more considerable injury happens, you want to be able to treat it as best you can until you can seek care at a hospital. Minor injuries that don’t require immediate medical attention can occur during or after an earthquake.


    Keep a manual can opener with your food supply. Here are some of the best foods to include in your home earthquake kit: Refrigerated foods are only safe to eat within four hours of the power going out.Īdditionally, you should try to choose ready-to-eat foods with easy packaging and those that don’t increase your thirst. If you don’t have electricity after an earthquake, you’ll have to depend on shelf-stable foods.

  • Extra pair of glasses for anyone with a prescription.
  • Flashlight in every room plus extra batteries (see Tools below).
  • First-aid kit (see First Aid section below).
  • quake collectibles

  • Three days of food and water for your pets.
  • quake collectibles

  • Three days of nonperishable food and a can opener (see Emergency Foods section below).
  • Three days of water for each member of your family (at least one gallon per day, per person).
  • The most critical supplies to have in your earthquake kit are as follows: If that happens, you almost definitely won’t have access to electricity, either. Throughout history, several significant earthquakes have left people without access to food or drinkable water for several days and even weeks. The first category of items to put in your earthquake kit are the critical things you need to survive. » MORE: You don't have to pay expensive funeral home prices for a casket! 10 Popular Places You Can Buy Caskets Online 1. When you’re creating your earthquake kit for home, here are some of the critical supplies to include. This is not a “go kit” but a “shelter-in-place” kit. The kit will allow you to stay safe and healthy in the aftermath of an earthquake when local amenities might be closed. But it’s a good idea to keep your primary earthquake emergency kit at home in an easily-accessible location. Things to Put in an Earthquake Kit for Your HomeĪn earthquake can occur anytime, anyplace. We’ll also share guidance for putting your kit together. In this article, we’ll let you know what you might want to put in your kit, both for your home and your car. Luckily, it’s not too complicated to make a DIY earthquake kit. Although only 16 states are at high risk, all 50 states have the potential for earthquakes.
  • Things to Put in an Earthquake Kit for Your CarĪccording to the Geological Survey, you can experience an earthquake no matter where you live in the United States.
  • quake collectibles

  • Things to Put in an Earthquake Kit for Your Home.
  • So, having an earthquake kit and being prepared is always a good idea! Jump ahead to these sections: Unfortunately, we can’t predict when or where an earthquake might happen or how severe it might be.

    Quake collectibles