
Childrens bookends
Childrens bookends

I’m going to break it up between thrillers and romance so this list isn’t 200 miles long. It’s that time again! It’s time to start posting roundups of 2022 book releases, especially for the first half of the year. I also have a list of reviews with spoilers here. If you’ve read any of these books, click the image to join the spoiler discussion! If you have anything to add to any of these summaries, I’d love to see your comments. I still think they’re useful, though, so that’s why we’re here: I’ve created this landing page for all of my ten-second spoilers! I won’t ever have the time to go back and write full-length summaries or reviews for these books. Bookstagram became my main priority, but I still love posting spoilers here.įor some of these books I read pre-blog, all I have are two-sentence summaries to jog my own memory. I made a Bookstagram to promote my blog, but quickly fell in love with that community. To me, there seemed to be enough of a gap that I could start my own blog of spoilers to help people like me! I found a couple of sites that spoil the endings (shouting out my new friend Jen Ryland here!), but couldn’t find everything I was looking for.

childrens bookends

When I didn’t write down the ending right away, I would try googling it to add it to my list. Often the synopsis alone isn’t enough to jog my memory! I especially needed these spoilers for books in a series, when it had been a while since I read the previous novel. I started jotting down endings because I found myself re-reading books I had already read, knowing I’d read it before but unable to recall the ending. Before I started blogging and Bookstagram, I was writing down the endings to books in my bullet journal as I finished them.

Childrens bookends